Our Purpose

Princess Bride

Hugspoon is kind of an emergency rescue mission. Like in that movie The Princess Bride, but in this scenario, your Punchfork data is Princess Buttercup; Hugspoon is Westley, André the Giant, and Inigo Montoya. We need to save the princess before the 31st of March, when Punchfork disappears forever.

Also, there’s that scene with the eels.

Old Yeller

We want to make it easy for Punchfork users to rescue their data, and we think it’s important to protect the experience of easily finding the perfect recipe. Don’t get us wrong; we genuinely love Pinterest, and we’re happy the Punchfork folks are excited to join their ranks. We just hate to see a simple, straightforward recipe site go the way of Old Yeller.

When Punchfork closes its doors, it will leave a void. It will be the end of the best recipe search engine on the Web. So many of our friends have been lamenting its impending absence that we felt compelled to do something about it. So, here we are, trying to do something about it.

Food heart

We’re not trying to change the world. We’re just trying to save some recipes.


Your friends at Fictive Kin

Fictive Kin